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Add eye gaze and eye movement capabilities to E-Prime experiments.
Create new paradigms with E-Studio’s graphical design interface and connect with flexible remote eye tracking technologies by SensoMotoric Instruments.
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Add eye gaze and eye movement capabilities to E-Prime experiments.
Create new paradigms with E-Studio’s graphical design interface and connect with flexible remote eye tracking technologies by SensoMotoric Instruments.
Library of sample paradigms:
-Fixed Position AOI
-Fixed Position AOI Markers
-Fixed Position AOI Multi Monitor
-Slide Show
-Varying Position AOI
-Varying Position AOI Tracking
All Package Calls needed for seamless integration
Support: E-Prime support and SMI hardware support
Take advantage of the following benefits:
-Create interactive or passive eye tracking paradigms
-Create paradigms which change based on participant eye gaze data, AOI hit tests, fixation and user interaction
-Combine eye gaze data with E-Prime condition data for powerful analysis
-Train participants to fixate and control eye movements
Give feedback on vigilance or attentive behaviors
Supports wide range of studies:
-Face perception and recognition
-Infant studies
-Attention patterns and behavior
-Visual search
-Scene recognition
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